GOD be praised for the privilege to share His Word during this month of December, 2009. What a great blessing that on the 24th of December, 2009 about four o'clock in the afternoon the message on the book of Matthew chapter two and verses one to twelve was shared at the March of Faith Church in the city of Tanjay. The fellowship of the wonderful families, brethren and friends that afternoon was indeed a great blessing to everyone. The church's pastor, Robin Erigil and wife Girlie had been a great encouragement and blessing to everyone. Their ten year old son is walking in the fear of the LORD and loves His Word too.
The message focused on the utmost priority of worship in the lives of every CHRISTian and that GOD alone is worthy of all worship and reverence. The exemplary lives of worship of the wise men should inspire each and everyone of us. Their real worship of the GOD-man JESUS CHRIST as a child who months before was born in a manger is worth emulating every moment of our lives. Their whole being (knowledge of the stars, time preparation, wealth involved and the sacrifices entailed) dedicated in locating the child should stir up our hearts to do likewise. Contrary to the wise men's real worship were the fake worship of Herod the Great and the teachers of religious law at that time. The hunger for political power, the head knowledge of the Old Testament of Herod and the religious leaders respectively didn't allow them the utmost joy of worshiping JESUS the Savior of the world and the real King of the Jews.
The gifts shared by the brethren and friends of the church, the sumptuous fellowship & banquet meal that followed the worship service, touched the hearts of everyone especially myself being able to bring back to my wife and children GOD's overflowing goodness and bounty reminding His servant's household that indeed He alone is the source of all spiritual and material blessings. All honor, glory, praises and thanksgiving and utmost worship alone be to our King of kings and LORD of lords, JESUS CHRIST. Indeed JESUS is the only reason for the season. A blessed CHRISTmas and New Year to everyone. Keep looking up for JESUS could come back any second to usher in His Ultimate Reign. Come LORD JESUS come!
April 23, 2023
1 year ago