Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Short Travel With A Man of GOD and A Humble Teacher!

"Well, I have much more to say to you, but I don't want to say it in a letter. For I hope to visit you soon and to talk with you face to face. Then our joy will be complete (2 John 12)." It was a great blessing, honor, and privilege for me to be the traveling companion of Pastor Dan Finfrock, the founder and Director of Intensive Care Ministries, U.S.A. and who is known as the father of the Inductive Bible Study Method here in the Philippines and in Dumaguete City particularly. He has not visited Dumaguete City for the last five years and I, my wife, children, and for sure a lot of brethren, friends, and acquaintances miss him very much. I consider him as my spiritual older brother, mentor, teacher, and one of my closest friends. It was on March 19, 1991, that he officiated our (Andrew & Muffet) renewal of marriage vows in a Christian Marriage and dedicated our whole family (Andrew, Muffet, Joaquin, Mary Antonette Magenta, Dan Paul) to the LORD. It was pastor Dan's wife, Debbie, who was used by the LORD to minister to my wife wife during her pregnancy of our youngest son (complete bed rest from the fourth to the ninth month), using the Old Testament book of Daniel for her teachings and Bible study. Out of gratitude for pastor Dan and Debbie, we named our youngest son, Dan Paul.

Pastor Dan arrived Dumaguete City on the 07:45 morning flight from Manila on May 18, 2007 (Friday), and he was housed at the Calvary Chapel Training Center. He tendered a dinner at Sta. Monica beach resort, on the evening of Saturday for his former Filipino staff and close associates at ICMA. That fellowship dinner was indeed a blessed experience for everyone present (Jing, Joy, Ayanna, Clarita, Nene, Eva, Rere, Alice, Randy, Manju, Tianing, Calix, Bobby, Noemi, Andrew, Muffet, Joaquin, Magenta). Pastor Dan had a short film documentation on the life of his adopted Filipino son, Aaron, who passed away early this year on the day before his twenty-first birthday which was shown before the dinner. On the morning of Sunday, Pastor Dan taught and preached GOD's word at NOAH Fellowship in Bacong town (the home church that I have been pastoring) using the New Testament book of 2 Peter 1:1-11. All glory and thanksgiving be to GOD for the feasting on His Word that day.

On the early morning of May 21 (Monday), on board the Ceres Bus, Pastor Dan and myself proceeded to Bacolod City wherein he wanted to accomplish at least three things before taking the five o'clock p.m. fastcraft for Iloilo City. GOD in His graciousness, honored the desires of Pastor Dan and provided three beloved brethren ('angels' in the flesh) in the persons of Pastor Chaz Yandall and wife Terry, and Pastor Mike Ramsey, who lovingly and patiently brought us around Bacolod City and helped in a tremendous way accomplish what was in the heart of Pastor Dan. Pastor Mike Ramsey traveled with us to Iloilo City and we parted ways with him at the pier after mutual introductions and greetings with those brethren who met us and him (Pastor Remo Jaco and wife Janet, and Pastor Mark Cadagat, respectively).

In Iloilo City, we stayed in the lovely home of Pastor Remo, Janet, and two darling daughters, JL and JM. It was a time of renewing friendships, rest, delighting on Ma'am Acul's delicious home cooked dishes, and indulging on Iloilo's sweet mangoes. On the evening of Tuesday, Pastor Dan Finfrock tendered a dinner for the RAYMAR Ministries Philippines Board in the persons of Pastor Remo Jaco, Janet Jaco, Pastor Godofredo Burgos, Atty. Lorna Gellada, and Mrs. Delma Logarto. Pastor Villafuerte (had Bible School graduation) and Mr. Lequillo (presently out of the country) were not present during the dinner and the ensuing meeting.

Pastor Dan Finfrock left Iloilo about 10:50 Wednesday morning for Manila and will get a connecting flight to the U.S.A. on Wednesday evening. Today, (May 28), I was inspired when I heard this poem read by Pastor Jeff Martin, present field director of Pastoral Training of Asia, during our daily morning devotions. The lines of this poem aptly describes the lifestyle of my dear brother in the LORD, teacher, and friend, Pastor Dan Finfrock.

Lord let me live from day to day in such a self- forgetful way;

That even when I kneel to pray my prayer would be for others.
Others Lord, yes others let this my motto be;
That when I've lived for others I will have lived like Thee.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

GOD Loves You Mother!

The month of May is made more special because of the celebration of Mother's Day. I praise and thank GOD for my beloved mother (Gaudencia), my beloved mother-in-law (Rosita), my beloved wife (Muffet), who is also the mother of our three grown-up children, my beloved sisters (Japi, Annie, Roqueta, Victoria), my beloved sisters-in-law (Louella and Perlita), my two brothers-in-laws' wives (Brona and Rose Jean); these are all mothers of grown-up children. Add to them the countless mothers whom the LORD have used to bless and inspire me, my wife, and children, in awesome and bountiful ways.

Looking back, I have seen GOD's hand working mightily, graciously, and mercifully in the life of my mother who became a widow when I was nine years old and having a younger brother and two younger sisters. GOD enabled my mother (together with my older sister, Japi) to rear, nurture, and to take care of us all. When I reached high school and during my teen-age years, an older sister (Annie) also became a widow with three very young boys to take care of. Once again GOD manifested His might, graciousness, and mercies, enabling her to care and nurture all of them. My mother, Gaudencia and older sister, Annie never got married again and I doubly admired them for that.

In the Bible, I am blessed with the lives of two mothers (Hannah the wife of Elkanah and mother of Samuel) and (Mary the wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus). They were not exempted from trials and sufferings; nevertheless, they came into a life-changing encounter with the living GOD who hears and answers prayers and who alone does wonders in everyones lives. Both of them offered songs of praise, worship, and thanksgiving to GOD who alone is worthy of all honor and glory. Notice the similarities of the songs of Hannah and Mary: Hannah sang: "...My heart exults in the LORD; my horn (or strength) is exalted in the LORD, my mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation. There is no one holy like the LORD, indeed, there is no one besides You, nor is there any rock like our God..." (1 Samuel 2:1-10), Mary sang: "...My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave; for behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed. For the Mighty One has done great things for me; and holy is His name..." (Luke 1:46-55).

It is my heartfelt prayer that all mothers (especially those whom I mentioned by name) would acknowledge and respond to the special touch of GOD upon their lives just like Hannah and Mary and indeed they heartily believed that GOD is their very personal Savior. This living and dynamic relationship with the GOD who alone can save overflowed in their lives, and made a lasting and fruitful impact upon their families and acquaintances. "Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:6, 7).

Thursday, May 3, 2007

O GOD confirm for us the work of our hands!

In the Old Testament book of Psalms, Chapter Ninety, the word of God says: "Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes confirm the work of our hands." Looking back at God's faithfulness, mercies, and love in the works of the ministry He has allowed His servant together with other pastors, brethren and friends, would almost simultaneously bring a smile on my lips and tears of joy in my eyes. Going back to the mid- nineties wherein God opened doors for Bible studies at the home of Mr. Baltazar Camomot, at Maslog, who then transferred his residence to Cangmating (town of Sibulan, Negros Oriental, Philippines); and at present that Bible study group became the Calvary Chapel of Cangmating, cared for by Pastor and Mrs. Randy Nellas and family. I remember Kit Elman, Francel Martinez, Pastor Arman Caballero, together with His servant pioneering the Negros Oriental Provincial Jail Bible study (Capitol Area, Dumaguete City, Philippines); and at present being handled by the Calvary Chapel Training Center students/interns.

Sometime in the year Two Thousand, God allowed His servant to do a Bible study in the town of Bacong, Negros Oriental, Philippines (seven kilometers south of Dumaguete City), in the home of a lovely Christian couple, Romulo and Divinagracia Yee, with their four grown up and married children. A family managed business is also within this compound; the nationally and internationally renowned stonecraft products and goods of NOAH (Negros Oriental Arts & Heritage). The hearts of this lovely couple wants to reach out not only to the material needs of their more than a hundred factory workers but most especially to their spiritual needs and upliftment as well. They were very willing to pay their workers an hour each week to hear and listen to God's word.

On the first Sunday of October, 2004 (Communion Sunday), the NOAH Fellowship started its regular morning worship service (10:30-12:00 noon) attended by some forty brethren. At present, the gathering is at the second floor of the Yee residence and blessed with brethren and friends eager and hungry for God's word and growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I praise and thank GOD for allowing me, my wife, and a brother in the LORD to feed and tend His flock in this place. In the New Testament book of Acts, chapter two and verse forty-two, the word of God says, "They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." In the book of Philemon verses one and two, the word of God says, "To Philemon our beloved brother and fellow worker, and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

May GOD bless every home and family and may it be a haven for His Word! Welcome to NOAH and feel at home.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

April's Bountiful Blessings!

April 23 is a very special day for two individuals who are very close to my heart. This day are the birthdays of my beloved wife, Muffet and my beloved eldest son, Joaquin. I remember twenty-seven years ago when I started to court and dated my wife how GOD in His Holiness, Mercies and Graces protected our relationship and kept us pure (preserving us from indulging in pre-marital sex) until the day we got married. We spent our honeymoon in a beach house owned by a very close relative. In the Old Testament book of Genesis the word of God says, "...a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." In the New Testament book of First Corinthians the word of God says, "The husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intimacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband. The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband also gives authority over his body to his wife. So do not deprive each other of sexual relations..." Our union was blessed by a son whom we named after my father. My wife's obstetrician and gynecologist who also assisted her in giving birth gave us a fifty percent discount on her professional fees upon learning that it was her birthday that day when she gave birth. Later on, God allowed us to have a beloved daughter whom we named Mary Antonette Magenta and another beloved son whom we named Dan Paul. Concerning children and the family, the word of God says in the book of Psalms: "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward"..."How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways. When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children like olive plants around your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD."

It is my heart's desire and prayer that GOD in His lovingkindness and mercies would allow Muffet, Joaquin, Magenta, Dan Paul and myself to reach our highest potentials as husband, wife, father, mother, and children based on the New Testament book of Colossians: "You wives must submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. And you husbands must love your wives and never treat them harshly. You children must always obey your parents, for this is what pleases the Lord. Fathers, don't aggravate your children. If you do, they will become discouraged and quit trying."